La Société de Garantie du Gabon (SGG), filiale de Okoume Capital SA (OKC) et initiative du Fonds Gabonais d'Investissements Stratégiques (FGIS), et la Banque pour le Commerce et l'Entrepreneuriat du Gabon - BCEG ont officialisé, ce lundi 06 janvier 2025, la signature d'une convention de garantie d'un montant de 5 milliards de francs Cfa. « La signature de cette convention représente une étape clé dans la consolidation d'un écosystème financier solide et inclusif au service de (...) - ECONOMIE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON
This article reports on a significant partnership between the Société de Garantie du Gabon (SGG) and the Banque pour le Commerce et l’Entrepreneuriat du Gabon (BCEG). The two entities have signed a convention of guarantee worth 5 billion CFA francs.
The main conceptual idea is enhancing financial access and security for Gabonese businesses. This partnership aims to:
* Improve credit access for SMEs: A key driver of the Gabonese economy.
* Strengthen the BCEG's financial security: Through a proven guarantee model.
* Boost innovation and entrepreneurship: By enabling Gabonese individuals to realize their project ambitions.
Essentially, the partnership aims to create a more robust and inclusive financial ecosystem in Gabon.
This article reports on a significant partnership between the Société de Garantie du Gabon (SGG) and the Banque pour le Commerce et l’Entrepreneuriat du Gabon (BCEG). The two entities have signed a convention of guarantee worth 5 billion CFA francs. The main conceptual idea is enhancing financial access and security for Gabonese businesses. This partnership aims to: * Improve credit access for SMEs: A key driver of the Gabonese economy. * Strengthen the BCEG's financial security: Through a proven guarantee model. * Boost innovation and entrepreneurship: By enabling Gabonese individuals to realize their project ambitions. Essentially, the partnership aims to create a more robust and inclusive financial ecosystem in Gabon.